Make Your Firm Stand Out with These Simple Tips
Most accounting firms think business is all a numbers game. As long as you show you have better numbers than the next guy, you’ll stand out just fine. Right?
Not exactly.
“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe” – Simon Sinek
If you want your firm to stand out, you need to tell a story with your brand.
Take a look at one of the top coffee franchises in the world: Starbucks. Why do people buy a Starbucks coffee for 7 dollars when they could just make a 50 cent coffee at home that’s just as good? It’s because Starbucks tells a story with its brand. Their story includes a barista who knows how to make your beverage and a place where you can be fully productive between meetings. Somewhere that adds organization to their day.
With more than 10,000 CPA firms in the US, why should a client pick you over all the others? If you want to stand out, the focus of your marketing efforts should always start with your brand story.
What do you need to tell a story?
The easiest way to remember anything is by telling a story that makes a human connection. There are three elements of storytelling: character, conflict, and resolution.
1. Character
Whenever you sell a product or service, you start with your buyer personas. Who is your audience? What do they do? How can your service help them? Once you narrow down your audience, treat your customer as the hero of your brand’s story.
Research by Deloitte found that customer-centric businesses were 60% more profitable compared to other companies.
Rather than sharing your next premium for your business, share how your customers are growing their businesses with your service. This is why customer testimonials are so critical in making your firm stand out.
2. Conflict
It’s not good enough just to have your customer as a hero. If your hero lacks conflict, you’re probably not telling a story. An easy way to show conflict is to understand the struggles of your buyer personas.
At Dinamis, we understand that our customers struggle to minimize labor costs. Take a look at our blog on four steps to make your business recession-proof. Focus your attention on your audience. Here we explain firm leaders are often paying their accountants to do low-level data entry that could be automated or outsourced. So we focus on how Dinamis is the tool the hero uses to manage their projects more cost-effectively.
3. Resolution
The last key to good storytelling is providing a satisfying resolution (or closing). Revisit why you’re telling your story. Do you want your buyer personas to follow your page? Schedule a free consultation? Buy your new premium service? Make sure you set up your story with a call-to-action (CTA) in mind. Align your end objective with the rest of your storytelling elements.
Not sure where to start when crafting your CTA? Take a look at WordStream’s blog on developing a killer CTA. While there is so much that goes into building a successful CTA, remember to use action words: “Buy Now!” “Take control of your budget!” These are just a few ways you can evoke emotion in your audience to initiate your offers.
Less about your brand, more about the hero.
People are drawn to stories they can relate to. Talking about how great your accounting service is won’t yield the best results. Focus the attention of your audience. How can they become the hero of their own story when utilizing your service. Remember, it is important to evoke emotional resonance. Genuine and authentic stories will not only bring in more customers but build long-lasting relationships with your clients.

Christian Young
Content Marketer
Christian is a marketing coordinator for Dinamis focusing on content and strategy. He is passionate about helping startups and organizations succeed through creative solutions.
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