3 Reasons Why Remote Teams are the Key to Success
Times are changing
In the 1980’s, it might have seemed ridiculous for a business to have employees in 5 time zones. Not even 5 states for that matter. But if we’re being honest, the 80’s also thought mullets were a good idea. 🙂
Today it is commonplace. It is also essential to do so to remain competitive. It’s easy to collaborate, stay organized, and stay in near constant contact with people. From New York to L.A. to Shanghai, we can keep in touch as the internet continues making the world smaller. As a result, the practice of having remote teams and remote work has grown.
From an employer’s perspective, what’s not to love?
1. Less Overhead
Remote teams have much, much less overhead. You don’t have rent or a maintenance bill on a physical space. You don’t need a janitor, electric bill, desks, or chairs. You cut these bills. In its place you have low cost, high quality, remote teams.
2. Reduce Scaling Risks
This reduced cost of remote teams also reduces scaling risks. Think back to grade school science class. Having fewer variables allows for a more predictable outcome. Scaling can be great for your business or devastating. You can read more about the 3 steps for scaling your services here. Without going too in-depth, scaling is the cause of death for startups.
3. Global Talent
Remote teams reduce cost by having talented employees in areas of lower cost of living. There is a difference in the US between someone in San Francisco and say Waco, TX. In case you are wondering, it’s 29% higher in San Fran. Check out this cool calculator for more fun comparisons. For roles that don’t need an onsite presence, you can build remote teams using global talent which leads to significant cost savings.

What is more, you have access to talent when the labor market is tight. Today it’s getting worse. This report does not paint a good picture for the future. We talk about it here too.
Using remote teams allowed our one partner to decrease costs by 57%.
Leveraging Remote Teams
You have access to great employees at your fingertips. Well defined processes will allow you to have the best outcome. Remote teams aren’t for everyone, but understanding how to use them to your advantage is a big win in the long run. Make the strategic move and benefit.
Work with an experienced partner that has made and learned from mistakes. Read about the Five Fatal Mistakes of Outsourcing here and how you can avoid them.
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